Intuitive Painting w/Lon Brauer

3. Workshop
Adult Winter 2025|#W25A0322.3S

Mar 22, 2025 - Mar 23, 2025
All ages, Mixed
13. Adult Workshops


Intuitive Painting
w/Lon Brauer
March 22 & 23
10:00am - 4:00pm

There is a misconception that drawing and painting are two completely different animals. Not true! Drawing and painting come from the same root. Both are forms of mark making. If we take that to heart we can better understand the mechanics of how paintings are made. This then leads to an open path in the pursuit of art making.

This course is designed to expose the student to a new way of thinking about drawing and painting and how the two interconnect.

We all need to revisit with the basics from time to time… drawing, mark making, color mixing, etc. This two-day course will immerse the student in a series of exercises that with strengthen and reinforce very basic principles that are often overlooked.

‘I have been teaching this method that strips away the visual baggage and opens the student up to a new-found freedom in the painting process. Your artwork will take on a dynamism and movement that only a painting can convey. I will show you ways to stretch your visual experience and then gain confidence with your image making thru intuitive choices.’

This is an in-studio workshop. Lon will describe his approach thru demos each day followed up with one-on-one instruction as students give it a go.

The student will be exposed to the following:

The limited palette
Mixing colors – what are the possibilities as we expand the palette
Exploring line as a primary tool
Paint application – what can a brush do
Converting a subject into shapes
Starting a painting…developing stategies
Color and value issues

This workshop is suitable for experienced as well as beginner. It is tailored primarily for oil painting but all mediums will benefit.

Lon has recently added pastel to his repertoire, so there will be demonstrations on how dry and wet media can inform each other.

The following is what I have in mind for this workshop. This is a bare bones list. Beyond the requirements, you can fill in as you wish.

I use Windsor & Newton Winton colors. They are considered student grade but are fine for these exercises. And they are affordable. However, you may use whatever brand you wish.

Titanium white
India Yellow
Cadmium Lemon yellow
Dioxizine purple
Ultramarine blue
Sap green
Alizarin crimson
Cadmium red med
Cadmium orange
Ivory black


I like Princeton or Rosemary-Ivory (synthetics) and Rosemary Eclipse (softer synthetic)

A variety of flats or brights – 1in (12), 3/4in (8), 1/2in (6), 1/4in (4)


Any knife for mixing and spreading paint. We will be mixing and painting with a knife.


Canvas panels or whatever surface you choose. 12x12 is a good size. We will be going thru a number of surfaces throughout the two days as we explore various topics. 10 should be sufficient.
Michaels has inexpensive panels.


I use odorless mineral spirits for cleaning brushes as well as a medium. Occasionally I will also use Galkyd or Galkyd lite (Gamblin). I have of late also been using stand oil or linseed oil. Feel free to use what you prefer.


Easel – Your favorite plein air set-up
Palette for mixing paint
Odorless mineral spirits or your favorite solvent
Paper towels
Trash bag for rags.
Gloves if you choose


Lon Brauer is an American artist known for his work in figure and plein air landscape. Born in 1955 and coming of age in the seventies, he has roots in the abstract expressionist movement. Although a representational artist he steers clear of the overtly literal. His work is a mix of the abstract and representational bringing an expressionistic use of paint and materials to create images that challenge the viewer with new perspectives.

Lon shows his work nationally. He presents numerous workshops on painting techniques and alternative methods. He lives and works with his partner, quillwork artist Djuana Tucker, and owns Lon Brauer Studios in Granite City, Illinois.

Activity meeting dates

Mar 22, 2025 - Mar 23, 2025
Weekend10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Lon Brauer

More Information

SupervisorWayne Art Staff
Number of sessions2

Registration dates

Nov 1, 2024 to Apr 1, 2025