Animal Painting All Mediums with Stefanie Lieberman

1. Class
Adult Winter 2025|#W25A0116.2R

Jan 16, 2025 - Apr 3, 2025
All ages, Mixed
3. Adult Drawing & Painting


Animal Portraits in Oils
w/Stefanie Lieberman
A twelve (12) session course

Stefanie Lieberman

This class is designed to help the student capture the likeness and personality of their chosen animal by using a variety of techniques and paint application, be it the fluid motion of watercolor or the layering process of pastels and oils. Any medium and skill level is welcome.

Students provide their own photographs.

Materials List:

Oil and Acrylic Colors: Yellow: cadmium yellow pale, indian yellow
Blue: cerulean blue, ultramarine
Red: cadmium red light, alizarin crimson
Green: sap green, viridian
Earth: raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre or transparent yellow oxide
White: titanium

Brushes: flat brushes in a variety of sizes; make sure you include a few soft, synthetic or sable, a few rounds and at least one 2" or larger soft, flat brush for glazing. Make sure to get watercolor brushes if working in that medium

Palette knife - flexible, cranked shaft at least 3in long. (For oil and acrylic)

Palette, wood or paper (toned gray paper is preferable)

Linseed oil (for oils, not acrylics)

Turpenoid or odorless paint thinner - NOT TURPENOID NATURAL! (for oils)

Containers for linseed oil and turpenoid (for oils)

Stretched canvas or gessoed panel (for oils and acrylics)

Paper towels and painting rags

If using photos for source material, Students must provide their own photos.

If working in watercolor, get a set that has at least 8 colors
If working in pastels, make sure you have a wide variety of colors that include dark values as well as light.

Activity meeting dates

Jan 16, 2025 - Apr 3, 2025
Thu9:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Stefanie Lieberman

More Information

SupervisorWayne Art Staff
Number of sessions12

Registration dates

Nov 1, 2024 to Apr 1, 2025
3 openings remaining