Cupid Shuffle 5K
ActivityWinter/Spring 2017|#5535
Collect hearts and run with us Saturday, February 11th at 9:00am. Join in this FUN 5K run and collect those hearts to be ready for Valentine's Day! Women will start one minute before the men with hearts attached to their backs. Men will attempt to collect as many hearts as they can. A minimum of 20 runners are required for this event to take place. Shirt orders will be placed on February 3, please register by the 3rd to get your shirt. The fun will happen outside beginning and ending at the Warrensburg Community Center. We will have a table set up on the sidewalk at the Community center circle.
Pre-Registration is required by February 3, 2017,
Prizes will be given to the male with the most hearts and the fastest female.
Ages: 13 and up
12 and under are free and must be accompanied by an adult
Fee: $25