Men Who Meditate: A Mindfulness Practice Group online Sp22
ActivitySpring 2022|#28399
Jun 11, 2022
All ages, Mixed
Standard Fee: $15
Supported Fee: $ 0 (supported registration for young adults, BIPOC community, and those with
limited income. Use coupon code MWM when registering.)
Men Who Meditate: A Mindfulness Practice Group
This two-hour practice session is an invitation for persons
who identify as male to gather together virtually for
community and meditation practice.
All experiences of meditation are welcome.
What are the activities we usually associate with men? Meditation is probably not in the Top 10 list of men's activities.... How come?
These days we hear all about the health benefits of mindfulness, and empirical research shows that men's physical and mental health benefit from friendship and social connection - but that is not always easy for men to find.
What might it be like to gather with other men, practice a little meditation together, and connect a bit with each other about what's going on in our lives? The practice of meditation offers a way for us to form community together.
We aim to offer these practice opportunities for men on a semi-regular, quarterly-ish basis moving forward. Hopefully in the future we will be able to gather in-person; for now, Zoom will serve as our community Man Cave.
In addition to meditating together, we will have an opportunity to be in conversation and reflect on our experiences with each other in breakout rooms and the large group. And there is no pressure that you have to share. You are always welcome simply to be in the group in whatever way is possible for you. All experiences of meditation are welcome, and all who identify as male are invited.
Activity meeting dates
Jun 11, 2022
Sat9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Bob Gillespie, PhD, LMFT, LPC
Chris Smith, MDiv, LMFT
More Information
SupervisorLisa Thomas Prince
Number of sessions1
Registration dates
Apr 26, 2022 to Jun 10, 2022 6:00 PM
You will need access to an internet connection along with a computer or tablet that can run the Zoom application. This course will take place in a live, online session that will not be recorded to maintain confidentiality. No refunds after Wednesday, June 8, 2022.