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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Fall21 Tue Morn Online
ActivityFall 2021|#16403
*Price note: reduced class fee of $295 is available for those with financial need.
Use coupon code MBSR295 when registering.
All are welcome; spaces are reserved for BIPOC and young adult participants.
You will need access to an internet connection along with a computer or tablet that can run the Zoom application. This course will take place in live, online sessions that will not be recorded to maintain confidentiality.
This online course is designed to introduce Mindfulness meditation practice as a way of reducing stress, and developing greater balance, ease and fuller participation in your life. Mindfulness is a way of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life including the challenges of stress, pain, illness and everyday demands. Established in 1993, this program is one of more than 250 MBSR programs worldwide.
The course includes guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices; gentle stretching, mindful yoga, inquiry and application into experiences of daily living, group dialogue, home assignments and audio recordings.
*To finalize your registration after making online payment, please submit the required questionnaire forms by Tuesday, September 14, 2021 (pages 3-7, total of 5 pages).
Instructors: Heather Sorensen, LCSW; Toral Livingston-Jha, PCC