'Waystations' - poetry with Brendan Constantine

Winter 2019|#2700.442

Age at least 18 yrs but less than 99 yrs, Mixed
Arts & EnrichmentNon Applicable Program


'A room, a station, a stopping place'

Brendan Constantine returns to the Camera Obscura with a new workshop just in time for national poetry month. Participants will examine and discuss the stanza in poetry and create new poems. And everyone goes home with a month's worth of extra prompts to keep you writing through April. All levels welcome!

Brendan Constantine was born in Los Angeles, the second child of two working actors, and named after Irish playwright Brendan Behan. An ardent supporter of Southern California's poetry communities and one of its most recognized poets, he has served as a teacher of poetry in local schools and colleges for the last eighteen years. In addition, he brings poetry workshops to hospitals, foster care centers, and shelters for the homeless, working with the Alzheimer's Poetry Project among others. His work has appeared in numerous journals, most notably Virginia Quarterly Review, Ploughshares, FIELD, Rattle, ZYZZYVA, Ninth Letter, Hotel Amerika and LA Times Bestseller The Underground Guide to Los Angeles. He has several selections of poetry available from Red Hen Press; the latest, Dementia, My Darling was published in 2016.

Activity meeting dates

Mar 9, 2019
Sat1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Brendan Constantine

More Information

SupervisorNaomi Okuyama
Number of sessions1

Registration dates

Last day is Mar 9, 2019 1:00 PM