Summer Stories Program July 12
EventSummer 2016|#9301.410
Jul 12, 2016
All ages, Mixed
07 Special Events
Activity location12 East 79th Street
The Universe is made of stories, not atoms ... Muriel Rukeyser
We often hear the phrase "You are not your story!" and with just a little self-reflection we know that it is true. Yet, stories can also point the way to self-knowledge and bear witness to acts of heroism, transformation and true love. They can awaken the desire for knowledge and truth, arouse the sleeping giants within us and, perhaps most important, make us laugh at our foolish antics and grandiosities. In fact, with an attentive heart, hearing stories can change your life.
Please join us for our series of summer evenings filled with tales of the great masters that provide humor, direction and good company for the journey.
Friends and family are welcome
Please join us for our series of summer evenings filled with tales of the great masters that provide humor, direction and good company for the journey.
Friends and family are welcome
Where: 12 East 79th Street
When: Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 pm.
Admission: $15 which includes light refreshments
Activity meeting dates
Jul 12, 2016
Tue7:00 PM - 9:00 PM