South Mountain Bioblitz

Standard Activity
2019 Winter/Spring|#28874

Mar 9, 2019
Age at least 8 yrs but less than 100 yrs, Mixed
Outdoor Nature Programs
Activity locationSouth Mountain Park. Meet at the South Mountain Environmental and Education Center (SMEEC). 10409 S. Central Ave. Phoenix AZ 85042. Parking is in large parking area adjacent to SMEEC.


Help us protect and monitor important species at South Mountain Park, using the iNaturalist app, in this exciting community science event. Meet at the South Mountain Environmental and Education Center (SMEEC) at 8:30am for directions and to carpool out to study site. If using a mobile device, download the iNaturalist app and create the necessary accounts. Participants should be able to walk up to two miles on uneven terrain. Bring plenty of water, wear appropriate shoes, and don't forget the sunscreen. For questions about this activity, please call 602-495-5812.

Activity meeting dates

Mar 9, 2019
Sat8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

More Information

Number of sessions1
DepartmentNatural Resources Division

Registration dates

From Feb 8, 2019 8:30 AM