International Travel on a Budget

WtrSpring, 2015|#9125.301

Feb 9, 2015
18 yrs +, Mixed
Member AdvantageMember Advantage - Wtr/Spring


Do you dream of travel outside the U.S., but have nightmares about the cost? We will discuss ways to save on accommodations, transportation, and activities to make that dream a reality. Places like Europe are closer than you think. We will also talk about traveling like a local as opposed to a tourist. 1 Meeting. PRESENTER: Sherry BonDurant, Travel blogger and frugal traveling extraordinaire. She has traveled all over the U.S. and to multiple countries in Europe. Her favorite aspects of traveling include experiencing new cultures, foods, and meeting locals.

Activity meeting dates

MON 2/9, 6:30-8:30PM

More Information

SupervisorWheelhouse Staff

Registration dates

Last day is Feb 9, 2015