Earth Friendly Yards
Standard ActivitySpring/Summer 2016|#106506
Apr 7, 2016
All ages, Mixed
Z_DONOTUSE_Nature / ScienceAdults and Seniors
Last year, Glen Ellyn residents added hundreds of milkweed plants to our community in an effort to help struggling monarch butterfly populations. Let?s take the next step! Other pollinators need our help and there are many things we can do to make our outdoor spaces beautiful, functional for us and wildlife, and also sustainable. Learn tips on what perennial plants, shrubs and trees that help our local insects and birds. What does it take to grow your own veggies? What is required to compost at home? Are rain barrels really worth the effort? How do rain garden?s work? Should we re-think the idea of the perfect, weed-free lawn? Join representatives from the Glen Ellyn Park District and Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission to learn more. The program is free, but please register
Activity meeting dates
Apr 7, 2016
Thu7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
More Information
SupervisorRenae Frigo
Number of sessions1
Registration dates
ResidentsFrom Mar 21, 2016 12:01 AM
Non-residentsFrom Apr 4, 2016 8:30 AM
Program will take place in a room at the Civic Center. Room assignments are posted at the building that night.