Laura Ingalls Wilder Day: Celebrating Trail Blazing Women!

HP Yearly-2021|#13135

Nov 23, 2021
Age at least 4 yrs but less than 99 yrs, Female
Special InterestAll Ages
Activity locationFarmers Branch Lane Check In


Join us on a journey to the past through the eyes of different women throughout history! Participate in activities and crafts essential to life for Laura Ingalls Wilder; Learn about life of a doctor’s wife with Mrs. Julia Gilbert, inventory the General Store with Maggie May Taliaferro, learn about the fashion of the times with Laura Ingalls Gunn, and more. Bring a picnic and enjoy an afternoon at the park! $15 per Scout/child includes Pioneer patch; children under 3 are free. Space is limited and pre-registration required.

Family Friendly, Farmers Branch Historical Park

Activity meeting dates

Nov 23, 2021
Tue10:00 AM - Noon

More Information

SupervisorBonnie Neumann
Number of sessions1

In order to register online for activities, an exact birthday is required for each person being registered.