Return of the Terns

Registration Required
May/June 2014|#6210

Jun 14, 2014
8 yrs +, Mixed
BirdingAll Ages
Activity locationCrab Cove Visitor Center


CRAB COVE VISITOR CENTER: Join us for a special day dedicated to our seasonal visitor, the California least tern! View a nest site teeming with several hundred pairs of endangered terns and their chicks, accessible only on our tour bus. Experts aboard the bus will interpret bird behavior. Arrive 45 minutes before the program to view a slide show that will help you learn about their long journey and fascinating behavior. 3:30pm: join a naturalist to watch these amazing acrobats hunt in the Bay (binoculars available for loan).

Bus rides to the colony (reservations required): 11am COURSE #, 12:15pm COURSE #, 1:30pm COURSE #
Must be 8+ years old (for bus ride)
Fee: $9 per person for bus ($11 non-res.) Registration required.
Please call 1-888-327-2757.


Michael Charnofsky
(510) 544-3183

More Information

SupervisorSharol Nelson-Embry CCV

Arrive 45 minutes before the program to view a slide show that will help you learn about their long journey and fascinating behavior.

Binoculars available for loan if you're not able to bring your own.

Bus ride from Crab Cove to the proposed Alameda Wildlife Refuge is about 10 minutes each way.

To avoid disturbing the endangered terns, visitors stay on the bus to view activity.