Ride The Rails-Train Rides
Drop-In ProgramMar-Apr 2022|#43241
Apr 8, 2022
All ages, Mixed
Train RidesAll Ages
Activity locationArdenwood (Fremont)
ARDENWOOD - Railroads once connected many of the farms with towns in the East Bay. Today they still run around the farm. Journey past rows of crops and through eucalyptus groves as you travel back in time. Check the daily schedule and meet the train at Arden Station or Deer Park. This is a drop-in program; no registration is required. Disabled accessible. Ardenwood admission fee applies. For information, call (510) 544-2797.
Activity meeting dates
04/08/2022 (Fri) from 10:20am to 2:55pm
SPRR (Ardenwood's Railroad)