Music Theory I: Building Blocks

Group Class
2015-2016 Season - Academic Year 2015-2016|#MU41.6100

Sep 12, 2015 - Jun 4, 2016
5 yrs +, Mixed


Essential for all instrumental students! Using non-competitive group games, we'll explore: the basics of music including rhythm, tempo, musical terms, and simple intervals; notation in all clefs; hearing, singing, building and writing major and minor pentascales and triads in all keys; introduction to major scales and key signatures.

Activity meeting dates

Saturdays 9:45-10:30am <br> September 12, 2015 - June 4, 2016 <br> No class 10/31, 11/28, 12/26, 3/26, 5/28

Teaching Artist

Ethel Olsen

More Information

Number of sessions34
Fee Information
Price: $32 for students currently enrolled in private music lessons (must call 610-358-3632 to register at this price); $605 if not currently enrolled in private music lessons