Junior Tennis Lessons, Beginner (13-16Y)
Activity2018 Fall|#17030
Sep 12, 2018 - Nov 7, 2018
Age at least 13 yrs but less than 17 yrs, Mixed
Sports & Martial ArtsTeen
The Town of Danville offers top-flight instruction from tennis professional, John DeMartini. He is a USPTA Elite Professional. John has been a teaching pro for over twenty years, formerly at Stanford University. He has extensive experience providing instruction to students of all ages and levels. This tennis program features classes for all skill levels and limits class size to 4-7 students, for individualized instruction. Proper tennis attire and tennis racket required. Bring one unopened can of tennis balls to first class.
Beginner: Understands grips, ground strokes, and can begin to control serve.
Activity meeting dates
Sep 12, 2018 - Nov 7, 2018
Wed3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
John DeMartini
More Information
SupervisorJack Hettinger
Number of sessions9
Registration dates
ResidentsAug 13, 2018 8:30 AM to Oct 4, 2018
Non-residentsAug 14, 2018 8:30 AM to Oct 4, 2018
Proper tennis attire and tennis racket required. Bring one unopened can of tennis balls to first class.