Kiddie College - Spring at Holstein
Instruction2025 Spring - Zone 2: East of California|#515586
Mar 31, 2025 - Jun 6, 2025
Age at least 3 yrs but less than 5y 6m, Mixed
Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood - Recreation
This recreational based preschool-like activity provides a unique and enjoyable experience for a child to play and learn with their peers. The creative atmosphere fosters the learning process through free play and other activities such as circle time, crafts, games, story-time, music, fitness and other elements.
More Information
Number of sessions45
DepartmentCommunity Recreation -NorthRegion
10 openings remaining
Child must be toilet trained and be comfortable participating without an adult.
This activity has an age calculation date of September 1 of the current school year, not the first day of the activity.