Painting: Plein Air Landscape

Summer 2017|#2112.34.11.17

Sep 1, 2017
All ages, Mixed
Adult WorkshopsPainting


Painting: Plein Air Landscape, 1-Day Workshop
Instructor: Edward Duff

This one-day workshop will cover the basic foundations of plein air landscape painting with a focus on accurate color mixing, brushwork, paint handling, composition, and simplification of form. The class will meet at Beverly Park and work on site with a break for lunch. Students will gain confidence and learn the essential techniques of plein air painting through demonstration and individual instruction. A portable easel is required for this workshop.

2112.34.11.17 Level 2+
Friday, September 1

9:00 am-3:30 pm, 1 session
$78 Members, $118 Guests


Edward Duff

More Information

SupervisorCynthia Mills
Saugatuck Dunes, oil
This image cannot be displayed.Edward Duff, Plein air
Cancelled as of Aug 10, 2017.

Painting: Plein Air Landscape
Instructor: Edward Duff

Please note, since this workshop will take place outside in the elements, it's important to come prepared with all of the necessary materials. Below I have listed the recommended supplies, but please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Materials List  
- 1 - 9" x 12" pad of Arches Oil Paper or Canson Canva-Paper for studies
- 1 pre-stretched canvas, canvas panel or primed wood panel (Ampersand Gessobord is
a great brand)
- 9" x 12" or 11" x 14"
- 1 portable easel - Blick Art Materials carries several plein air easels to choose from. If
you're interested and willing in making an investment, check out Edge Pro Gear,
STRADA Easel or Judson's Art Outfitters.
- 1 palette - If you would prefer to use a disposable paper palette, Richeson Grey Matters
is a good option
- 1 palette knife
- 1 small drawing board to affix paper studies to
- 1 brush cleaner with lid - Artria Steel Brush Washers are ideal for in the field

- Several small metal cups with screw top lids for holding odorless mineral spirits and
painting medium of your choice - Liquin Original, Galkyd Lite, M. Graham Walnut
Alkyd Medium, and Windsor and Newton Artists' Painting Medium are good options.

- Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits - 33.8 oz bottle
- Brushes - a variety of filberts, flats and rounds / both natural hog bristle and synthetic
in assorted sizes 1 roll of paper towel or a bag of lint free rags
- 1 roll of masking tape - I recommend the black Blick Artist Tape from Blick Art Materials.

Oil Paints:

  • Titanium White
  • Ivory Black or Chromatic Black
  • Cadmium Yellow Light
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Cadmium Red Light
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cerulean or Manganese Blue
  • Dioxazine Violet
  • Pthalo Green or Permanent Green
  • Sap Green

Additional Materials:
Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, bug spray & rain coat, snacks, lunch, something to drink,
clip on umbrella, baby wipes for cleaning your hands, paper towel and rags, plastic bags
(for towels and rags.)
Large garbage bags or smaller flat cardboard boxes to transport wet paintings and palettes
home in your car. If you shop at Costco, I recommend taking home a few of their free
cardboard boxes to use. The large flat boxes used for berries and tomatoes comes in
really handy. Additionally, large garbage bags can be laid flat in your trunk or back seat
to keep paint off of your car upholstery and interior.

All of the above painting supplies can be found at Blick Art Materials:
28878 Woodward Avenue, Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 548-7679.
(There are also stores located in Dearborn and Detroit.)
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions at