A1 French Regular Beginner 1 Culver City

Spring 2 2018|#7927

May 10, 2018 - Jun 21, 2018
All ages, Mixed
Group Classes: Adult RegularA1 Beginner


A1-Beginner 1 (Regular/Intensive/Accelerated) CULVER CITY

Textbook: Alter Ego 1+, Units 0,1,2

This course is designed for complete beginners. It starts with the very basics of French such as the pronunciation of the French alphabet, the numbers etc. and moves on to basic phrases of practical French that you can start using straight away. You will learn how to introduce yourself, ask for someones basic information, express your likes and dislikes, book an accommodation, and understand and give directions.

Grammar topics:

- Articles le, la, les, l, un, une, des ,de la, du

- Possessive adjectives

- Prepositions with countries

- Present tense

There is no prerequisite for this class. After completing this level, you will move on to A1-Beginner 2.

Activity meeting dates

May 10th 2018 to June 28th, 2018. From 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Culver City Senior Center. 4095 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90232

More Information

SupervisorElisabeth De Gouzel
Number of sessions7