Music Theory Online: Level 10
Group ClassFY24 - Yearlong 23/24|#31145
Register with private piano: $50
Register with non-piano private lessons: $102
All others: $265
In Theory Level 10 students continue their study of rhythm, scales, key signatures, intervals, harmony, and counterpoint. Level 10 includes music history units on the Medieval Era, East Asian, and Indian musical styles. Levine’s music theory classes feature engaging, interactive learning designed to help young musicians develop sight-reading, rhythm, listening, and composition skills.
Please note: Students should have previously completed Theory Level 9, or else should register for a free online placement test to determine placement in this or another theory level. After completing the test, you will receive a class recommendation and registration link from the Department Chair.
For a complete description of the skills taught in Theory Level 10, please see the Music Theory Syllabus. The level corresponds to Level 10 of Levine’s Keyboard Skills curriculum and is appropriate for all instruments and voice.
For more information, please contact Evan Meier, Theory Department Chair, at (202) 686-8000 x1598 or