Music Theory: Primer A
Group ClassFY24 - Yearlong 23/24|#31129
Register with private piano: $50
Register with non-piano private lessons: $102
All others: $265
The Music Theory Primer course is designed to prepare students for music lessons and advance more quickly at their instrument. Students will learn the basic concepts of rhythm and music notation and develop singing and listening skills. The class will culminate in a composition project that students will perform for one another in class.
This class is appropriate for students who have not yet begun study on an instrument or are in their first year of instrumental study. A placement test is not required.
Students should bring a pencil and a folder to each class meeting. Please purchase the Music Theory Primer workbook prior to the first class.
For a complete description of the skills taught in each music theory level, please see the Music Theory Syllabus.
For more information, please contact Evan Meier, Theory Department Chair, at (202) 686-8000 x1598 or