Jewelry & Metalsmithing: Beginner
ClassesWinter 2021|#1108.12.03.21
Feb 4, 2021 - Apr 1, 2021
All ages, Mixed
Adult ClassesJewelry & Metalsmithing
Jewelry/Metals: Beginner
Instructor: Nancy ClarkThis class is for students who have no experience in jewelry making. Instruction
covers the fundamentals of basic tools and safety in the studio. Additionally, students
will become engaged in the design process to create both decorative and functional
metal objects. The works produced may include wearable art or small sculptures,
learning metal fabrication techniques and torch soldering.1108.12.02.21 Intro/ Level 1
Thursdays, February 4 – April 1
9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 9 sessions
$278 Members, $318 Guests
$40 Materials/Studio Fee
Activity meeting dates
Feb 4, 2021 - Apr 1, 2021
Thu9:00 AM - Noon
Nancy Blechman Clark
More Information
SupervisorCynthia Mills
Registration dates
MembersNov 23, 2020 10:00 AM to Apr 3, 2021 5:00 PM
Non-membersNov 30, 2020 10:00 AM to Apr 3, 2021 5:00 PM
Nancy Clark, Cake Server
Cancelled as of Jan 28, 2021.
Metals/Jewelry Department Students
All Jewelry/Metals students pay a fee to cover some supplies, and the use of tools/studio
equipment during the class periods. Enrollment is limited to 8 students per class.
All students must wear a mask in the building at all times.
Materials list of items to bring:
-Please bring a small notebook and pencil to class
-Wear close-toed shoes and long pants
-Bring your own safety goggles, or you can share the studio goggles